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Rainbow Rails

Rainbow Rails Scrappy Bed Quilt
Our Price: $6.99

Product Code: QGR-00352


Scrap Busting Pattern! Turn leaders and enders into a king-size quilt that bursts with fun. Designer: Laurie Matthews. Finished Quilt: 96 1/2 x 108 1/2". Finished Block: 12" Square. Pattern also includes optional size chart for Baby (48 1/2" square), Throw (60 1/2 x 72 1/2"), and Twin (72 1/2 x 96 1/2").

12 yards total assorted light prints (blocks)
6 yards total assorted medium and dark solids (blocks)
7/8 yard multicolor stripe (binding)
8-3/4 yards backing fabric
105×117" batting