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Oh My Stars

Oh My Stars
Our Price: $6.99

Product Code: QGR-00057



This red, white, and blue quilt salutes summertime with two classic blocks -- LeMoyne Star and Irish Chain. Practice setting in seams when you join the diamond pieces for each patriotic star. Finished quilt: 62-1/2" square. Finished block: 9" square. Designer: Alex Anderson.

1-1/8 yards total of assorted blue prints (blocks)

7/8 yard of solid white (blocks)

1-1/3 yards total of assorted red prints (blocks, inner border, and binding)

2—5/8-yard pieces of white prints (blocks)

1-7/8 yards of blue floral (outer border)

3-7/8 yards of backing fabric

69" square of quilt batting